For a current list of Events please text the word Events to 352-366-1183.
WEDNESDAY Kids & youth services 7:00PM
This weekly service has something for all ages. This includes Adult Group studies, Girls & Boys ministries and our Youth Group. Our Girls Ministry and Royal Rangers programs for boys and girls are designed to help your child GROW! These small group discipleship programs are celebrated with our annual 'POW WOW' and 'Powette' statewide camp-out events.
mission sunday
(every first sunday of the month)
We get to go or we get to send! Today is Mission Sunday and we are so thankful for the missionaries that are a part o f Gateway. Just like every Sunday of the month, we will be collecting a second offering to support our missionaries.
Calling all Prayer Warriors!! Join us for Intercessory Prayer. Remember to put on your full armour.
Community Field Day k-6th Grades
June 5th @ 12-4pm
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